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Quotable: CollyLogic

April 2, 2005

I haven’t had a post in the “Quotable” category for a while, but I found a great one just today.

Simon Collison has a very good piece on how you can make your web site compatible for handheld browsing.

Outside of the fact that it is a great piece with some solid advice, one particular paragraph I found very quotable:

Serving content for handheld devices is all about compromise. Until connections are faster, all users have the same browsers and screensize, and there is better support for CSS and other markup, we'll have to make sacrifices.

I know Simon wrote this paragraph with reference to handhelds, but I can’t help but think that there are so many places and/or situations where this still applies outside of the handheld market…

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3 Responses

Comment by Jeff Smith — Apr 02 2005 @ 8:15 pm

Very good point Derek. I was thinking somewhat the same as I read the article. This is definitely a point I’ll be making to clients at times during needs assessments when they go through the phase of wanting “a whole bunch of animation and lots of graphics”.

Comment by Lachlan Hunt — Apr 03 2005 @ 12:48 am

I don’t get this part of the quote:

Until … all users have the same browsers and screensize…

That will never happen. If it did, it would mean a monopoly market share and we all know just how detrimental that situation is!

Comment by Dave Marks — Apr 03 2005 @ 8:45 am

Lachlan: I think thats kind of the point, its never really going to happen, so we are always going to have to make these compromises etc