You are reading an archived post from the first version of my blog. I've started fresh, and the new design and content is now at

Affiliate Program for Web Directions North

November 28, 2006
Web Directions North: Feb 6-10, 2007; Vancouver, Canada

We’ve added a new feature to the Web Directions North conference (Vancouver, Canada, Feb 6-10, 2007). Affiliates.

Yes, affiliates.

Quite simply: you sign up to become an affiliate and we set you up with your own link. Anyone that signs up via that link works in your favour: if you get 4 to sign up via your link, your registration is free. And we’ll keep adding on for you if you keep getting people to sign up.

Have clients that might be interested in the conference? Send them the link. Or, if you prefer, get a group of 5 together, and split the costs 4 ways for a tidy savings. Sound enticing? We think it does – join us in Vancouver for a world-class conference.

Firefox Power Moves

November 25, 2006
Firefox Logo

Time to document a few things that I find really useful in FireFox – still my browser of choice, even now that I’m on a Mac and not Windows (actually, I do still use Windows for certain things, and I do a lot of testing via Parallels so I’m not completely on a Mac).

Note that I describe these with Cmd, but you can use Ctrl for Windows machines. I assume these features also work on Linux based version of Firefox, but I’ll leave it to someone else to confirm.

Continue reading Firefox Power Moves

Web Directions North Ticket Contest

November 24, 2006

If you haven’t already seen this, Digital Web Magazine is running a contest to win a ticket to Web Directions North– design a snowboard or take a photo of yourself with an improvised snowboard, and you could win some fabulous prizes.

First prize is a free ticket to Web Directions North in Vancouver, including a ski pass.

Even though I’m not eligible for the contest, I thought I’d put one together anyway, just for kicks.

Here it is – I call it “The Motherboard” (sorry, I know its cheesy):

Thumbnail of snowboard showing Web Directions North logo and computer mother boards
View the large version

Just keep in mind that I make no claim to being a designer. :)

Solving problems with social networking

November 21, 2006

I’m tired of re-stating my intentions with the same person on every social networking site I join. For example: I have met Jeremy Keith. He is my friend. He is a colleague and co-worker based on our conference and WaSP involvement.

This is always the same – whether I’m using LinkedIn, the d.construct backnetwork, Web Connections, defining my flickr contacts, or the new craze – Twitter.

Continue reading Solving problems with social networking

PAS 78: A lesson in Terms and Conditions

November 15, 2006

For some reason or another, the UK’s PAS 78: a guide to good practice in commissioning accessible websites came across my radar again today, and it reminded me that the resource is now free. With excitement, I went to download my very own copy of the guide, and for once, I decided “Maybe I should read the terms and conditions…”

Continue reading PAS 78: A lesson in Terms and Conditions

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