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Registration open: Real World Accessibility for Ajax and Web Apps

March 18, 2007

After highly successful delivery of this workshop in Sydney, Australia and Vancouver, Canada as part of the Web Directions conference series, I’m very excited to announce that registration for the workshop I’m putting on Austin, Texas on May 7, 2007 is now open:

Real World Accessibility for Ajax and Web Apps May 7, 2007, The Alamo Drafthouse, Austin, Texas; Access U pre-conference workshop

This full-day workshop is designed for those that are building a modern web application that employs Ajax or JavaScript to enhance the user experience. The day will be filled with planning advice, practical examples, demonstrations of assistive technology, code samples and live walk-throughs of a variety of web applications – all to help you provide web applications that are both accessible and usable for as wide an audience as possible, regardless of their abilties.

The workshop will be great for those that are looking to use Ajax and heavy scripting to build accessible web applications but also has plenty of material for people that are involved in designing these applications without getting their hands on the complicated parts of the code.

We’re offering $100 off for anyone that is attending Access U. Seats in the workshop are limited, so register today!

See this event on

Other locations are planned for 2007, so if you’d like to see it come to a city near you let us know in the comments or drop us a line.

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