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Tracking the Spread of Ideas

August 26, 2004

One of the things that I’ve been interested in for quite some time is how ideas spread on the web. Many bloggers do this instinctively when they post interesting links with a via link, a hat tip, or a nod to let people know where they originally saw the link.

Matt writes about this in Link Thanks and Nick discusses this further in Giving Credit. Many seem to agree that the links are not only ethical, but also useful. Can we make them more useful?
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My Favourite FireFox Keystrokes

August 25, 2004

I was observing my own habits the other day and noticed that there are certain things I do without even thinking. I am definitely a keyboard user. I can’t remember the last time I used a “mouse” — my laptop has a built in touchpad, and I’ve used an external touchpad for my desktop system for close to 6 years.

First, I noticed a pattern; I operate in two different modes – active working mode and casual reading/browsing mode. Continue reading My Favourite FireFox Keystrokes

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The Future of Accesskeys

August 14, 2004

Over the past year at we’ve done a lot of writing about accesskeys and some of the problems they can cause while attempting to aid navigation for keyboard users. My latest article on accesskeys, The Future of Accesskeys, takes a look at the latest XHTML 2.0 Working Draft and how they’ve replaced accesskey with a much more flexible solution.

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A Blog for the Online Edition of Quickbooks

August 10, 2004

After a weekend of camping with my old high school rugby mates, I returned to civilization to find what may be a hidden gem in my feed aggregator (the Sage RSS/Atom aggregator extension to Firefox if you are wondering).

Via the Business Opportunites Weblog: Quickbooks Weblog (a pretty good resource itself actually), I found The Official Quickbooks Online Weblog. It launched last month, and so far I like what I see.
Continue reading A Blog for the Online Edition of Quickbooks

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Quotable: On Testing

August 3, 2004

As seen in 90% of All Usability Testing is Useless, two quotable paragraphs by Lane Becker.

Ninety percent of all usability testing performed on Web sites is useless. This is not to say that it doesn't have a significant role to play in user experience design. When done right, usability testing will improve your Web site and your development process, but the current culture surrounding Web site usability testing is such that it rarely benefits the design. Worse, this misapplication can undermine the acceptance of this important technique throughout an organization.

Substitute “accessibility” for “usability” in the above. Perhaps a bit controversial (given that we do a lot of web accessibility testing), but it still summarizes it nicely. Here’s the second, with the same substitution:

When viewed as a sort of quality assurance, as it classically is, usability testing becomes a late-stage "nice-to-have," less important than getting the newest version of the Web site out the door. It usually results in a thick document that outlines everything that's wrong with a Web application, including fundamental design issues that can't be fixed in the few weeks left before launch. This isn't the best way to effect positive change.

I’m sure there are others that fit well…

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