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Making it Accessible: A look at weighted lists

January 24, 2005

Published at – the first in a series of articles on making web content more accessible: Making it Accessible: A look at weighted lists.

In a nutshell, accessibility is more than just alt text and semantics. To make content truly accessible, we need to delve deeper to ask what our purpose is in using a specific technique, what information that technique conveys, and how we can ensure that that information is available to everyone.

3 Responses

Comment by Dustin — Jan 24 2005 @ 11:27 am

and of course as he mentions at the bottom of the article, “accessibility is for everyone.”

I think too many folks think about people with hard to see vision. So they make text bigger. Then there’s folks who think accessibility is for the deaf mutes with no hands, at that point they just give up.

Then again, even if it was just for folks with disabilities, we still have much work to go.

Comment by Ottawa — Jan 31 2005 @ 9:15 pm

Nice read. I am from Ottawa too, and never heard of WATS before. Good to know about them too.

Comment by Derek Featherstone — Jan 31 2005 @ 9:45 pm

Dustin and Ottawa — Thanks to both of you for the (inadvertant) reminder.

I really must do something more for an “about” page here.

and of course as he mentions at the bottom of the article, “accessibility is for everyone.”

That he, would be me…

Good to know about them too.

And, them — that would be me as well, or at least, I’m part of them. Guess I’d better make things more clear ;)