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Social Networking Diseases and Disorders of the new Millennium

August 31, 2005

Contact Flickritis

Symptoms: general uneasiness, sometimes accompanied by mild headaches and sweaty palms; often characterized by feelings of deja vu and that feeling you get when you meet up with someone you think you know but can’t remember their names.

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Accessibility and Availability

August 25, 2005

There is always debate about exactly what accessibility is and isn’t. This debate was recently rekindled with Joe Clark‘s thorough, well-written article: Facts and Opinions About PDF Accessibility. In that article, Joe states:

The goal of the accessibility advocate is to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, period.

Tommy Olsson disagrees with Joe’s stance on what the mandate of a web accessibility advocate is and suggest that it is much more than ensuring the web works for those with disabilities. I’m sure that many others agree with Tommy’s stance, and I completely understand his point of view.

Continue reading Accessibility and Availability

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