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Web Essentials ’05 Presentation

October 10, 2005
Web Essentials '05: Sydney, Australia, September 29-30

I’ve started posting my presentation materials at:

Before I post the details of my presentation from WE05, I just wanted to congratulate the entire team – Maxine Sherrin, John Allsopp, Russ Weakley, Peter Firminger and Lisa Miller – for putting on an outstanding event (I can’t thank you enough for inviting me down there to speak and for a truly wonderful experience!) It was an honour to speak at the conference alongside some of the world’s greatest speakers and web professionals. And, to be able to speak to an audience that cares so deeply about the web, web standards and accessibility was a treat. Its no surprise there has been quite a buzz around

Finally – many many many thanks to Jeff Davies who managed to find me a ticket to the Grand Final – we had a blast, and I made good on my promise of muchos beers!

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