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Innovations in Accessibility

February 23, 2007

I’m continually impressed by the ways in which both hardware and software technology serve to enable basic access to computing for all people – including those with disabilities.

Case in point – a new hardware setup, designed for people with spinal cord injuries that allows them to control their computer with their tongue (via engadget, with hat tip to James Craig).

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User Centered Email

April 19, 2006

I appreciate the efforts of one of our local recruitment agencies sending me email notifications of contract opportunities.

I hate the fact that the person sending them is clueless and essentially puts no thought into what he sends on to me (I won’t even get into the fact that he still sends emails out to people on his “list” by sending a message to himself and then bcc-ing everyone)

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flickr pro account contest

April 24, 2005

I hate my favicon. I hate my gravatar. Hate ’em. I’ve tried four or five times to design something new to use as my favicon or gravatar and each time it ends up looking very SimpleBitsian.

Maybe I’m just blocked. Maybe I’m just working too hard on other stuff. Maybe I’m just looking for some inspiration from outside.
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Clean up your ACT!

December 31, 2004

One of my New Year’s Resolutions for 2005 is to keep better track of my clients so that I can contact them more regularly. Let’s face it – without clients, a business doesn’t really amount to much. I decided to invest in software to help me out so that I don’t have to hunt for contact information when I want to send out materials to individual clients or groups of them.

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The Human Factor

November 15, 2004

I’m currently reading a book by Kim Vicente called “The Human Factor” that a colleague of mine (an ergonomist) recommended to me.

I’ll post a more thorough review of it later, but I wanted to share some nuggets I found In the first chapter. This passage really resonated with the world of the web and what we, as web professionals, do:
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