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JavaScript and Accessibility

June 12, 2005

I want to follow up on a few things so that I can clarify and further explain my position on the statement I made in my presentation at @media 2005.

In one of my last slides, I made a statement that I want to be sure isn’t misquoted or taken out of context (yeah, right. Good luck). On one of my last slides, I said this:

If we are doing things right, we should be able to tell users of older screen reader software to turn JS off for more consistent experience.

Continue reading JavaScript and Accessibility

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@media 2005 Presentation

June 12, 2005

I’ve posted my presentation from @media 2005 online: Testing for Accessibility: Techniques, Perspectives and the Future. It may not make much sense to you if you weren’t there, and I don’t have extensive speaker notes within the presentation. It appears that Isofarro will be posting his recollection of the entire conference (thanks in advance, Mike – that will be a great resource!)