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More Buzz: DOM Scripting Task Force Launched

July 18, 2005
Web Standards Project

Hot on the heels of the Web Standards Project‘s announcement of the Accessibility Task Force comes the announcement of the DOM Scripting Task Force (DSTF).

After June’s @media conference, there was a meetup of several JavaScript minds organized by Peter-Paul Koch (ppk). It was an absolute pleasure to have been invited along to the meetup by my friend, and fellow DOM Scripting believer/advocate Jeremy Keith. There was much enthusiasm, much excitement, and much work to be done. Shortly thereafter, an informal group became the DOM Scripting Task Force.

Continue reading More Buzz: DOM Scripting Task Force Launched

Today is the day

July 8, 2005

No retrospective, no “Oh, I feel soooo old,” no corny sentiments.

Its my 34th birthday today, and I was greeted with two lovely handmade cards from my kids (my son Kampbell helped out his sisters Kaitlyn and Kyla on both of them), and a number of “goodies” to satisfy my belly – including a bunch of UK treats. My favourite is the McVities chocolate topped digestive biscuits (don’t know why, I just love them…), found at a lovely local shop thanks to my wonderful wife Kathryn…

I certainly don’t feel any older – but perhaps just a bit more blurry. Is it bad that I’ve “lost” my wallet twice in the last ten days, and then found it in really silly places after tearing the house apart?