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Numbered Tabs Extension

January 30, 2005

Back in September, I posted Numbered Tabs for Firefox.

On a couple of occasions, people have suggested I turn it into an extension so that it was easier to install. I wanted to do so, but hadn’t really ventured into creating extensions yet, so I passed.

One of my coding goals for 2005 is to do more work with intelligent DOM Scripting. I’ve been working a lot on that lately (more on that later), and it inspired me to bite the bullet and convert numbered tabs into an extension. I learned a few things along the way (more on that later as well)

OK, get on with it:

Install Firefox Numbered Tabs extension

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December 23, 2004

I’ve been looking at my installation of ShortStat created by Shaun Inman, and noticed that while there is a lot of valuable information that ShortStat is tracking, I don’t necessarily want to see all of the items ShortStat shows. Sometimes I do want to see everything, but certainly not most times. Most times I’m really just after the latest referrers, just to see if anything new is coming through the pipe.

So, here is ShortStatom – which takes some of the core ShortStat code, and is modified to produce an Atom feed from the latest referrers tracked with ShortStat. It is a lot quicker, and ultimately convenient to view it in my RSS/Atom reader of choice.

Continue reading ShortStatom

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S5 and Incremental Rendering of Graphics

November 18, 2004

S5 is moving quickly – within the last few days, it has seen three revisions — the most important of which is seen in the 1.1a3 version with incremental display. If you aren’t aware, S5 provides a framework for creating well-structured and accessible presentation materials. We’ve been using Opera Show for our accessibility presentations at for the past year or so, but I was immediately attracted to S5 because of its cross-browser compatibility.

I decided to try S5 for a presentation I was giving last night, and I wanted a particular graphic to render incrementally. Here’s how I did it using the incremental display from the first alpha release to incorporate incremental rendering: S51.1a3.
Continue reading S5 and Incremental Rendering of Graphics

Numbered Tabs for Firefox

September 17, 2004

After posting My Favourite Firefox Keystrokes I saw a comment on someone else’s blog mentioning that they used Ctrl + 1-9 to switch between open tabs.

Pardon? How did I miss that one? I had a new favourite keystroke to add to the list. Going directly to the desired tab is so much better than cycling through all the open ones. Of course, solving one problem creates another — when you have a number of tabs open, it is a pain to figure out which one you need to switch to at times. Who wants to count tabs? Here’s what I came up with to try and solve the problem.
Continue reading Numbered Tabs for Firefox

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Link Relationship Plugin for WordPress

June 12, 2004

One thing I’ve missed with WordPress is having nicely defined Link relationships between posts. All it takes is a little <link rel="next" title="" href="" /> or <link rel="prev" title="" href="" />.

Here’s a Link rel Plugin for WordPress. Still version 0.1, so don’t come after me if it doesn’t work properly yet. I’m still testing, and adding in various other relationships beyond just next and prev… ;)
Continue reading Link Relationship Plugin for WordPress

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