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Numbered Tabs for Firefox

September 17, 2004

After posting My Favourite Firefox Keystrokes I saw a comment on someone else’s blog mentioning that they used Ctrl + 1-9 to switch between open tabs.

Pardon? How did I miss that one? I had a new favourite keystroke to add to the list. Going directly to the desired tab is so much better than cycling through all the open ones. Of course, solving one problem creates another — when you have a number of tabs open, it is a pain to figure out which one you need to switch to at times. Who wants to count tabs? Here’s what I came up with to try and solve the problem.
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Quotable: On Criticism

September 14, 2004

Christian Watson has some good advice for those looking to get hired in the web industry. One particular section was very quotable. You know the drill – I take a specific quote and make it generalizable by substituting terms. In this case, remember that the context is a job interview. When I saw this, I wasn’t thinking of any specific fill in the blank terms but this advice can apply to many situations:

Don’t criticize my site. Come up with ideas about improvements you might make to the site, but don’t critique my web site unless you’re asked. Don’t start telling me what’s wrong with my web site or what you would change unless I ask you for some ideas.

You don’t know what process we have gone through to develop the site, what issues we’ve faced, who our audiences are, or the goals of our site. Developing any large web site is an exercise in organizational politics and compromise, and to critique it without knowing the history of why things were done as they were will only succeed in getting my back up. Believe me, this one is important.

Nice. Almost words to live by…

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Getting New Customers: A Dry Cleaning Story

September 9, 2004

A local dry cleaning company has taken the leg up on competition, and I’ve happily given them all my business. Not only that – they convinced me to pay more money than I was paying at the previous cleaner I had used for 3 years. How did it happen? There were a few things that enticed us to move our business to them and a few more that convinced us to stay.
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Three Things I’ve Learned About Blogging

September 6, 2004

There are a few things I’ve learned about blogging in the mere three months that I’ve been running this blog — things that are a bit different than those I learned about blogging from being on the outside, as a reader/commenter only. What follows is a little bit about the three most significant things I’ve managed to figure out – I’m sure as I continue, I’ll figure it out a bit at a time…
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